We are a meeting place where research, learning and collaboration creates solutions to the climate challenge through a range of activities which inspires sustainable innovations
We are a meeting place where research, learning and collaboration creates solutions to the climate challenge through a range of activities which inspires sustainable innovations
Climate-KIC@lu is administrating Lund Universitys cooperation whit EIT Climate-KIC. Besides this we are doing a lot of other activities aiming at the creation and promotion of innovative climate solutions. We create meeting places where researchers, startups, industry, students and NGOs can come together and co-create the solutions needed for the future.

Find new and old events in the calendar.
For information about Climate-KIC@lu or about this web page contact:
Olof Blomqvist
olof [dot] blomqvist [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (olof[dot]blomqvist[at]fsi[dot]lu[dot]se)
0703-81 67 25
Lina Röjnert
lina.röjnertolof [dot] blomqvist [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (@fsi.lu.se)
0761 13 98 89

Climathon Lund 2022

Climathon in Lund 2021

Climathon in Lund 2021

Climathon in Skåne 2020